Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Shadow

You appear so near, yet so far
No one can hold you dear;
Through all my life, you've been
Whenever I have seen

You grow and shrink, as I blink;
the rate by which the sun does sink
Still you are there right at your place,
even if I flash a ray of light, over my face.

Your dark tone typifies my sinister soul,
But you don't take any colour, despite my howl !
I'm bored to see you in the same dark tint,
a shade that often makes me, with fear, wilt

You walk along, wherever I choose
neither do you whine nor do you screech.
Why are you with me ? I know not a need
for you, to do any of my deed.


Prabhuprasad Naduthota said...

After some gap.. :-)

Good one.. Your approach towards a day-to-day phenomenon (?) and the views are appreciable...

But couldn't see any hidden message there?????

ಸುಧೀರ್ ನಿಂಜೂರು Sudhir Ninjoor said...

Shadow just reminds you that there is always someone who looks upon what you do.