Monday, November 26, 2007

A point in Life

A moment in space-time: ‘Tens of children are born, hundreds die, many saplings shoot out of earth in hope, millions are crying, millions are celebrating, people are overeating, millions are dying of hunger. This is a generic view of events happening on earth at any moment of time.’
In a chemical reaction, if there is more than 1 output for the same input, we tend to relate the outputs and study their nature in order to understand the process in whole.
Similarly, under the same catalyst called time, input called life churns out so many by products that it is almost impossible to even recognize the main product arising from the input.
If a life sprouts at the same moment as the death, isn’t that akin to a process where the sproutal of life is somehow related to the demise of life as both happens at the same moment. If happiness envelopes a few at the same moment when shroud covers others, isn’t it strange of us if we do not try to relate them. If at all we try to connect the grief of some with the gaiety of others, then doesn’t the process of gaiety and sorrow, life and death become a cycle and the path of life from birth to death becomes more a part of vicious circle made of many such paths of life and death.

A circle is nothing but a set of continuous points who all manage to stay away from a distant point with the same distance. A point is nothing but a circle made of points whose distance from a distant point is null. Spherical surface is nothing but circles made of similar points in 3 physical dimensions, wherein points of the circle in other 2 dimensions also manage to maintain the distance like those points in the circles of the remaining dimensions.

So if we consider universe is spherical, birth and death is a part of a cycle. Also, if we consider that we living beings are a part of the same cycle called life. Then it is interesting to observe some strange and interesting revelation.
We can assume that each of us as a singular point in the circle of life. We all stay away from some distant point with the same distance. It is because we all are circling around ourselves with the point of focus being ego and the distance being null. That is the reason why we remain as points (circle with zero radii). Now we being points of a large circle, all of us stay away from that distant point called absolute truth. All of us are equally scared of it. If we could make the distance null between that distant point and us, then the circle called life will merge into a point absolute which is other wise known as salvation.

But, we all have come to a state wherein we believe a circle is the only complete figure. It is a symbol of integrity. We believe in traversing the same path as others. We believe in certainty in life. Uncertainty is something our mindset cannot accept for a long time. Life cannot be uncertain to a large extent. We cannot lead life like that. That is the reason man cannot live like an animal. Man cannot live life according to his free will. He is bound by his own chains called society wherein certainty is the most aspired and its achievement the most celebrated. Most of the time in man’s life is wasted in thinking of his tomorrows and the rest in sulking about yesterdays. It is not the mistake of any individual, but of the society who reminds him of every wrongdoing of yesterdays at the slightest available chance.

Circle is not complete. It is not the perfect figure or geometrical shape, as predominantly considered. It is because circle is still definable in terms of its distance from the singular point. It means circle is finite and measurable. Absolute is neither measurable nor finite and we consider that absolute as the ultimate truth and an end to the cyclical process of birth and death. Each living being is a part of such a circle. If he is to reach the end, then the distance to the ultimate truth should decrease gradually till it unites with the point and becomes one. Such a singularity is last event in the cycle of birth and death as far as an individual is concerned. A point is the only finite representation as a physical manifestation of the divine absolute what we call as singularity. It is a deep abyss of mystery and meaning. Point has no dimension; it cannot be defined in space physically. Neither can a point be bound by time. It is completely independent of everything known to man but for the cognizance of its existence.

Surrender of the self on the terms of the self will destroy ego and the bloom of humility will sow a seed of truth whose radiance manifests in the form of effulgence visible in the face of the noble.

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